Saturday 5 January 2019

Five Things for Which I Rejoice (as of time of writing)

These are five things for which I am rejoicing, these first five days of 2019:

1. Our new puppy, Chewy (Chewbarka). He is energetic and playful and willful and bitey, and he remembers to pee where he is supposed to at least half the time.

2. Our visiting friends, Mark and Angie, from Belfast. They have been a wonderful blessing to us, and made us dinner last night in the form of pork and spuds, which were delicious.

3. The writings of Gregory of Nyssa. I am doing something of a deep dive into Gregory's On the Meaning of Man, and so far he has presented a vision of humanity's creation that beautifully highlights our created purpose, in a way that our modern theology and philosophy and science has just failed to do.

4. The writings of Karl Barth. Starting to really dig into Church Dogmatics, which he first began publishing in 1932. Aside from everything else, Barth understood a proper understanding of theology as a bulwark against the growing fascism he witnessed in Europe.

5. Our family's time of reflection last night. I had set us some homework to help us recall, rejoice, repent and reboot with a year-end Awareness Examen (hat tip Pete Greig). We went through this last night, and heard some deep moments of rejoicing and some honest admissions of repentance and desire to make amends. Lots of hope for the coming year as well.

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