Wednesday, 6 January 2016

This is Part #1 in 24-7 Prayer Canada’s prayer strategy for 2016 and beyond. It is super easy, and everyone can join in. Here is the idea:
Everyone can pray, and they don’t have to be in one particular, super-special-sacred place to do it. The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it! (Ps 24:1) So what if we took that seriously, and started intentionally praying…everywhere?
What we’re asking everyone to do is to find a place to pray. Maybe it’s in your car, or on the bus, on your way to work. Maybe it’s a street you walk down every day. Maybe it’s in your school, or at your office. Maybe it’s in a park across the street. Maybe it’s in a pub. Someplace that you go to regularly, but maybe you never thought to pray there before. So the first step is to identify that place.
The second step is to pray there. Pray as the Lord leads you to pray. Maybe you will pray the Lord’s Prayer. Maybe a Psalm, or a New Testament prayer. Maybe the Serenity Prayer. Maybe a prayer from a worship song you know. Maybe you will sing the prayer, or draw the prayer, or dance the prayer. Maybe it will be a prayer you make up on the spot. Just pray.
Here’s the third step: take a video or photo of the place where you are praying, and explain where you are, and maybe how you chose to pray there.
The fourth step is the one that makes this go viral: upload the video or pic to the social media platform of your choice (Instagram, facbook, etc…) with the hashtags #prayereverywhere and ‪#‎247prayer‬. Let’s get this trending. Tell people in your Church and community to start uploading videos and pics of where they are praying as well, and we’ll start featuring some on the facebook page and our website. Just remember to hashtag them, so we can find them!
C’mon Canada, let’s get praying everywhere, 24-7!